This past month just flew by. Seems like it was just Christmas!
I realized it's time to review my January goals and see how I did.
1) Send out partials for Katie Rose.
I got them out and actually got the reply postcard back for one already.
2) Complete Moons of Cynara outline.
Well, I stalled out on this one, although I did make some progress. This month I'm taking a workshop on Character motivation and plot development, so that should movtivate me to get moving on this project. Hopefully, I can get the outline done by the end of February.
3) Prepare and enter Katie Rose in a late January contest.
Done! I entered the opening chapters and synopsis in the Valley Forge Romance Writers Sheila Contest.
4) Cut scenes for my time travel romance, Erin's Rebel.
Not only did I cut those scenes to bring the manuscript page count down, but I sent a query with synopsis, got a request for the first three chapters, then the request for the full from The Wild Rose Press. It's currently under consideration there. So, although I faltered on the outline goal, I got way ahead on this one.
Guess I didn't do so bad.
And February's a short month. I'll see what new goals I can come up with.
Ahh but February is a day longer this year, Susan, since it's a leap year--but you're right, still a short month.
I'm with you though, seems like I was just setting those new year goals then blinked and it was time to change the calendar page!
Not long enough!
I have to make sure I don't overextend myself with too many goals this month. I'm taking an on-line workshop that I want to use to jump start that sci-fi outline. But I also want to start revisions on Katie Rose.
Feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions.
Good luck with the Wild Rose Press, Susan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks, Cynthia!
I've been promised a reply by April 14.
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