Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Brand New Year!!

It's the last day of 2008 and I'm thinking ahead to a brand new year. But first, I thought I should review my writing goals for 2008 and see how much I accomplished. Here are a few of the goals I did make.
  • cut scenes from my Civil War time travel romance, Erin's Rebel

  • sent the query to The Wild Rose Press

  • got a request for a partial, then the full

  • signed contract for Erin's Rebel and it will be a July 2009 release!

  • entered my other CW romance, formerly titled Katie Rose in contests

  • completed line edits for Katie Rose

  • after changing the title to Confederate Rose, gave it a final proofread and sent the query and synposis to my editor & got a request for the full

  • signed contract for Confederate Rose

  • wrote short story for Civil War romance anthology called Angel of My Dreams

  • submitted AMD to editor

  • signed contract for AMD!

  • outlined science fiction romance titled Moons of Cynara

  • started first draft of Moons

  • started outlining short Civil War Christmas story for historical romance anthology

I've got a good start on that first draft. By today's count, my word total is 36,525. I'm almost at the midway point. And although I started the outline on the short story, I haven't yet finished. But otherwise, I think I accomplished a great deal in 2008. Now, to figure out what I'd like to accomplish in 2009.


Christina Phillips said...

Congrats on accomplishing so many goals in 2008, Susan! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and continued success in 2009!

Susan Macatee said...

Thanks, Christina!!