Saturday, July 09, 2011

Redefining goals

On New Year’s Eve, I posted a list of writing goals that I wanted to accomplish over 2011. Since it’s now about mid-year, I thought I’d review that list to see what I’ve accomplished so far, what I still have to do, and what goals I’m putting aside to make room for unexpected projects that have cropped up.

Here are the original goals, with notes on my progress.

2011 Writing Goals

* Proofread and submit novel, Cassidy’s War – complete – This novel has been contracted by The Wild Rose Press and I’ve just completed the second set of edits.

* List at least 6 or 7 ideas for short stories for True Romance and True Confession magazines – complete

* Write and submit stories – complete – sold all but one story which I’ve submitted elsewhere after learning True Romance has temporarily suspended publication and am awaiting reply.

* Finish first draft of time travel novella – complete

* Revise, edit, polish and submit – will start in the fall

* Outline series of science fiction romance novellas based on novel I put aside – have decided to temporarily put this project aside, because I was invited to write an historical novella for a new series my publisher is putting out. I’ve written the first draft and now have to revise, edit, polish and submit by mid-August.

* Plot out first novella – put aside

* Write first draft for first novella – put aside

In addition, I was given reversion of rights for my paranormal, Civil War novella, Angel of My Dreams, part of the Civil War romance anthology, Northern Roses and Southern Belles. I plan to re-title the story, revise to lengthen it, then resubmit elsewhere.

So, I’ve accomplished a lot, changed a few goals along the way and taken on a few new projects. I’ll see how I do by the end of December.

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